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Father bears have nothing to do with raising cubs.

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14y ago

Sometimes, but not usually. A great thing to do is to look it up because this question involves the social structure of tigers, which is one of the most complex you may ever find.

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12y ago

No. What's more they will kill them if they run across them.

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15y ago

Only very rarely will an adult male tiger spend time with his cubs.

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Q: Does the father help out with the cubs?
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How do tigers live?

Baby tigers, or cubs, live with their mothers. When the mothers go out hunting, they hide their babies to help them remains safe against predators. The father has nothing to do with the cubs after they're born.

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Baby tigers, or cubs, live with their mothers. When the mothers go out hunting, they hide their babies to help them remains safe against predators. The father has nothing to do with the cubs after they're born.

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The male does not assist in the raising of the cubs, but they stay with their mother for up to 18 months.

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Polar Bears live with the mother for approximately 2 years. The father leaves the mother and cubs before the cubs are born. And sometimes the male may even eat any of any bears cubs if he is hungry and if he can find them. So to answer your question, the cubs only live and know about their mother.

Do father bears live with their cubs?

Polar bear cubs have nothing to do with their dad. They stay with their mother until they're old enough to manage on their own.

Who raises the young cub?

To be honest it is the father who raises the lion cub. The mother is out searching for food for the cubs while the father watches and raises them.

Who cares for cheetah cubs?

The cheetah cubs are cared for by the mother cheetah for about eighteen months. The father has no part in raising the baby animals. The mother nurses the cubs, and protects them from predators, as a large number of tiny cubs fall victim to other animals. The mother later teaches them to hunt.

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the mother gives there cubs milkwhile the father goes hunting for fish

Are Cubs of a Grizzly bear raised by both Grizzly bear parents?

Just the mother, not the father.

What does a lion have to do with a cub?

Father it if its his own else cannibalize it so that it can mate with the lioness to produce his own cubs.