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Chimpanzees of course need water to survive, so they often spend time around lakes, rivers, streams, and puddles of rain water. However, they deplore to swim. There is only one community in Senegal that actually enjoys to wade in a calm body of water, but they keep a one- to two-handed grip on anything that would allow them to pull themselves to safety just in case something goes wrong. Some Chimps show an almost human-like reverence for waterfalls. They don't actually go into the falls, but they perform acrobatics by swinging on branches and vines, all the time within feet of the rushing water.

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Do chimpanzees swim?

some chimpanzees swim sense they have human like qualities. some chimpanzees do not swim because they don't have that human like qualities. so it is 50-50 that some swim.

Do people dissect chimpanzees?

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There are two types of chimpanzees. The common chimpanzee and the bonobo. The common chimpanzee's binomial nomenclature is Pan troglodytes, and the bonobo's is Pan paniscus.

Can Chimpanzee swim?

yes a chimpanzee can swim but it wouldn't swim in the wild No chimpanzees do not swim nor can they swim. chimps dont have enough body fat to maintain bouyancee, they would sink and drown. waterways are natural borders for chimps and are also used by chimp reserves to keep groups seperated

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common name is chimpanzee...and if we talk about male & female chimpanzee...females chimpanzees are called empress and males chimpanzees are called blackback

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Humans did not evolve from chimpanzees, rather both humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. A division happened with this common ancestor....some went on to become chimpanzees and some went on to become modern humans. There are common ancestors to both humans and chimps, but they are long extinct.

How are human beings and chimpanzees phylogenetically related?

They share a common ancestor.

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The specific name of the chimpanzee is "troglodytes."Chimpanzees are primates of the genus Pan:Pan troglodytes (common chimpanzee)Pan paniscus (bonobo)