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i believe 9.00

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Q: How much does the Nike Air Presto weigh?
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Related questions

What store sells the Nike Air Presto shoes at the cheapest price?

Yes the Nike air presto shoes are much more expensive than the original nike air, as to where to buy these shoes at the best price I would have to say is payless.

Where can I purchase the Nike air presto shoes ?

There are few sources I would recommend. One of them is ebay and another are Nike and amazon. I think they should satisfy what you are looking for as they offer wide range of products and good customer service. I think this is going to help you.

Where are Nike Huaraches made and how much roughly do they cost to make?

Huaraches are made by Nike Air in the United Kingdom.

Does anyone know where I can buy Nike Air Presto Shoes online for a good deal?

There is a good website called It had the best deal I could find during my research of these shoes. They have them for a total of 76.80.

Which is better Nike air force ones or Nike blazers?

The Nike Air Force 1 is in reference to the airplane Air Force One, and it was Nike's first basketball shoes with Nike Air. If you want Nike Air Force 1, WeeReplica online retail site is a good choice.

Who invented Nike air force ones?

i invented nike air forces ok so get your facts straight Nike did.

How much is a nike air penny iii?

they cost up to $160

What is Nike's best selling sneaker?

The Nike air shoe is the best selling sneaker. The link has much more info on this.

What shoe should I worship Nike 6.0 or Nike Air?

Nike Air because they are older.

How much does the Nike 6.0 Air Morgan 8 cost and where can I purchase it online?

The Nike 6.0 Morgan Air 8 shoes cost $70.00. You can purchase them from

Who makes Air Jordans?

Nike makes Jordan's.

Where can you find cheap nike air force ones?

The Nike Air Force 1 is in reference to the airplane Air Force One, and it was Nike's first Basketball shoes with Nike Air. If you want Nike Air Force 1, WeeReplica online retail site is a good choice.