Numbers below 10 should be spelled out.
Numerals are used for numbers 10 and above.
Exception: Ages and sports scores are written in numerals.
Maria is 3 years old.
Grace won $7000.
The word "big" is spelled as B-I-G.
"Big" in Danish is spelled as "stor."
"Forty thousand" in numbers is "40,000"
The verb is spelled begin (to start). The slang term for a large item is spelled big 'un (big one).
"Ma maison est grande."
spell HELLO, you will reverse the numbers so that they read 0.7734.
I spell them correctly.
when writing numbers in any other subject than math, you should spell them out.
Million is a single word and it can´t be big or small...That is how you spell it.
You can't. There is a minimal amout of words (and names) that you can use numbers to spell.
it doent spell anything it is all of the numbers and letters on a keyboard
The word "big" is spelled as B-I-G.
In APA 7th edition, you generally use numerals for numbers 10 and above, and spell out numbers from one to nine.