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Steroids are illegal because they can ruin your body and help you cheat.

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Q: Why should steroids stay illegal?
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Related questions

Are steroids illegal drugs?

steroids aren't illegal if they are prescribed to you. they are illegal if they weren't issued to you, or if you abuse them

Why are steroids taken by athletes?

Steroids make athletes stronger. But it is illegal.

Are steroids illegal in WWE?

Yes they are.

Why do police take steroids?

they dont. The ones that do are putting their job in jeopardy. steroids are illegal

Are steroids illegal in Spain?

im gusseing that they are not.

Are steroids illegal in NFL?

yes they just havent gotten caught as much

What risks are associated with taking illegal steroids?

what are finacial consequnces of using steroids

How did congress attempt to control steroids?

they said it was illegal!

Should Performance Enhancing Drugs in sports be legalized?

There are already some legal drugs, but, like steroids, I don't think illegal drugs should be legalized.

Did pudge Rodriguez do steroids?

Of course he doesn't! Taking steroids is illegal, and just because he hits a lot of home runs doesn't mean he takes steroids.

What is an illegal drug that can be enhanced in sporting performance?

anabolic steroids

Do steroids help weightlifters and why?

It helps them get big fast but are illegal.