Definintley white people, they make up 75% of the USA's population, as apposed to 12% black people.
A lot less then there are whites.
blacks and whites were separated
everybody was affected in the us,canada and other places.the whites and the blacks but the blacks especially who were the slaves.
For ever 1 African American there's 6-10 whites could this be racial?
whites and blacks were segregated harshly.
Free blacks could not become U.S. citizens. Khanh
In both countries, blacks were discriminated against and treated with contempt. Blacks did not have equal opportunities with the whites. In the US, blacks fought against racism while in SA they fought against apartheid.
Blacks feel superior to whites because they have a since of entitlement. They feel that since we treated them poorly, they are entitled to be better than us, that's why it is a hate crime for a white man to hurt a black man but not the other way around.
Blacks and whites were segregated socially and politically. Although not illegal (most places), interracial marriage was frowned upon, and whites typically did not hang around blacks (or vice versa). Blacks also had different jobs than whites, typically more hardworking for less pay. Blacks also had very little political liberties. Although granted the right to vote in 1865, blacks were hindered from voting (especially in the Southern US) in various ways until 1957. Segregation means separation, and whites and blacks were separated from many aspects of society. There were white and black neighborhoods, white and black schools, white and black restaurants, white and black bathrooms, etc.
1946, but due to the fact that they couldot afford separate ships for blacks and whites.
us being able to get along with the whites and blacks