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In the US you must be 21 to gamble in most areas. Exceptions include state lotteries and often horse or dog tracks. Some Indian reservations may have lower ages. In Canada it varies depending on the province but it is typically 18 or 19. Ages vary in many other countries as well. But remember just because you can gamble, doesn't mean you should.

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Yes, there are casinos in which you can legally gamble at 18. It depends on the individual state laws. Almost all state controlled casinos require you to be 21 years old, Native American casinos usually allow an 18 year old to gamble legally.

Without knowing which state you are asking about it is impossible to say which casinos allow an 18 year old person to gamble legally.

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Q: In what US states can you gamble at age 18?
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Can minors gamble without parents?

Minors can not gamble, period. The legal gambling age in the US is either 18 or 21, no exceptions.

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In the UK, it is 18. in the us to gamble in a casino you must be 21

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13 US states have a legal gambling age of 18. They are:AlaskaIdahoKansasMaineMinnesotaNew YorkNorth CarolinaOklahomaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaVermontWashingtonWyoming

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There are several different states that allow players to gamble at 18. The federal law is 18 however each state has the opportunity to place their own age limits for gambling. Typically most states allow players to partake in bingo & the lottery along with online gambling at age 18. Other states like Arizona, Iowa & Nevada are 21.

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It depends on where you live. In Canada, you must be at least 18 years of age. I believe in the USA, the age is also 18.

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No you are not. Apart from a few states where the age is higher, the legal adult age is 18 in the US.

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skippty skoppty, blippty bloppty

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Currently there are only two states that do not permit gambling. Utah & Hawaii. Some states do not have any land based casinos within their state lines such as; Virginia, Vermont, Tennessee, Alaska, Washington DC & Kentucky. However, within these states players are able to gamble online at age 18.

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It depends. 3.2 Beer was legal at age 18 in many states until Federeal Highway dollars were held hostage from states who did not raise their drinking age to 21.

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The majority of the US has 16 as the age of consent. There is no lower age. A few states have set it at 17 or even 18.

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The age of majority was 21. In the 1970's most states changed it to 18.

How old do have to be for lottery?

In the US you must be at least 18 to play the lottery.