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How much does the avarage 6th grader need each night to do wath?

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14y ago

A healthy amount of sleep at that age is 9-10 hours.

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Q: How many hours of sleep do a 6th grader need?
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How many hours of sleep does an average 6th grader need?

An average 6th grader needs about 9-11 hours of sleep per night for optimal health and development.

How much sleep does a 5-year-old girl need?

A fifth grader should get 9 hours of sleep. Obviously, this is hard to maintain from a night-to-night basis. However, try to make sure a fifth grader gets 9 hours of sleep to be at his/her best.

How much sleep does the average 7th grader need?

The average 7th grader should get atleast 8-9 hours of sleep. No lower than that.

What time should a fifth grader go to sleep?

It depends when they need to wake up. A fifth grader should be getting 9 hours of sleep each night. So, if they need to wake up at 6:00am they should be in bed by 9:00pm.

How many hours do snakes sleep?

Snakes do not have eyelids and cannot close their eyes, so they do not have a traditional sleep pattern like mammals. Instead, they rest throughout the day and night, taking short periods of inactivity when needed.

How many hours of sleep do 5th graders need?

about 10 hours of sleep

What is the average time of sleep a seventh grader needs?

On average, a seventh grader needs about 9 to 11 hours of sleep per night to support their growth, development, and overall well-being. It's important that they establish a consistent bedtime routine to ensure they are getting enough quality rest.

How many hours of sleep does a cricketer need?

they're human aren't they? so wouldn't the answer be how many hours of sleep does a human need? and the answer is about 8 hours.

How many hours of sleep do you need to grow taller?

You need 8 hours of sleep, and you have to be in deep sleep at 1-4 a.m.

How many hours of sleep does a dog need?

it need 7hours sleep for health

What is a good bed time for a fifth grader?

It depends on the fifth grader. Depending on when they have to wake up and how much sleep they need i would suggest 8:30 to 9:30. You probably want them to get 9-10 hours of sleep. Hope this helped!

How many hours sleep do you need to get?

at least 9 or 10 hours to get enough sleep