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Q: Describe the legal factors that influence health and safety in sport?
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How do regulatory bodies influence health and safety in sport?

it doesnt

Describe common safety factors to consider when installing a computer?

many safety oi

Describe the health and safety arrangements for school exam rooms?

There are no special health and safety arrangements for school rooms in which students take examinations.

Describe the role and purpose of the Health and Safety Commission?

In the US, the Health and Safety Commission is a quasi-judicial body that hears and decides appeals from final citations issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

What is a legislative factor in health and safety?

There are several different legislative factors that affect health and safety. Some of these include legislative acts that were passed. This includes COSHH and the Health and Safety at Work Act.

Describe principals of health and safety?

The are several fundamental principles of health and safety. They include effective communication, participative management, assessment and monitoring of any possible health as safety risks, reporting safety threats and so much more.

What factors determine the frequency with which health and safety inspections should be undertaken in the workplace?

The factors that determine the frequency of health and safety inspections in the workplace include:Potential hazards presentlikely severity of an eventlikelihood of an event

What health and safety factors need to be taken into account when moving and positioning individuals and any equipment used to do this?

what health and safety factors should you consider when moving and positioning a service user including the use of equipment

Describe the relationship between OSHA NIOSH and the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission?

OSHA, NIOSH and the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) were all established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. OSHA issues the regulations and inspects to enforce them. NIOSH researches safety and health and recommends safety and health standards. The OSHRC reviews contested OSHA citations.

Can you describe factors to consider when planning awareness-raising activities?

This very much depends on the subject that you want to raise awareness of. However, you should always consider health and safety and logistics when planning such activities.

What three factors that affect health and safety in the workplace?

Personnel,procedures and equipment all play a role in safety in the workplace.

What four factors influence the kind of clothing choices people make?

Safety, comfort, appereance, and brand