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Reading and writing is non-essential.You need to be touching 7ft with an ability to bounce a rubber ball whilst lazily ambling up a wooden court.The ability to be nasty enough to sharply elbow a smaller player in the face,probably shattering his cheek bone whilst putting said rubber ball throgh a head height hoop with a net would also be high on the list.

Disregard everything above for your chosen profession i thought you said Basketball!

Heres my info on Baseball.

Reading and writing again non-essential,but,you`ll be pleased to hear,

height doesnt matter!You can be a right ,fat ,shortarse and still do marvelousely at this game.

First ask your sister/cousin to show you how to play rounders.You`ll then gleefully realise that you don't have to aquire the skills or dicipline to bowl aball with all its complexities as in cricket,you just bloody throw it as hard as you can,Bloody Marvelous!!

The same with batting,just bloody hit it as hard as you can then toddle around a girls rounders court.

Obviously only stupid countries play this game so you`ll have to travel far a field to get a job.The upside is though once you get there your quids in to get on any team that takes your fancy!

Again,good luck on your chosen profession ,i`ll expect a signed hat through the post when you get your first signet ring! Marvelous!

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Aim for a bachelor's degree in fitness and health

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13y ago

YeAh they won't let you play without an education.

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Q: What education and training do you need to became a pro baseball player?
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What type of training and education do you need to become a baseball player?

well my answer is to become a professional baseball player is to believe in yourself to do all the things that are to hard for you. Keep pushing threw do not give up at all.

What education and training is required for being a baseball pro baseball player?

No education, but an extraordinary amount of skills. To play in the majors you have to be an exceptional player. Even then the chances are slim you will ever play in the majors. MLB players play at a level that very few men can achieve.

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There is no education required to become a basketball player, other than basketball knowledge. Much training, however, is necessary. One cannot be a good player unless a large amount of training is put in.

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Baseball player Jackie Robinson became a national hero. He was a famous baseball player.

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you don't need any education just skill

What education is need to be a baseball player?

There is no education requirement. It is all about skills.

Do you have to have education to be a baseball player?

No, but it would be a great help if you had it.

What education do you need to become a baseball player?


Do you need a degree to become a baseball player?

No, there is no education requirements to play baseball.