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Q: Sports with the letter X
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What sports team starts with the letter X?

whats a team sport that starts with an x?

6 letter sports with an x in it?

· boxing

Does Illinois have any sports that start with the letter x?

No it doesn't. There are some with the letter x in it , but it doesn't start with it.

Sports that startwith X and E?

Equestrian is a sport that involves horseback riding. To the best of my knowledge there are no sports that begin with the letter x.

What California sports team starts with letter X?


Sports mascots that start with letter x?

Xtreme Chicken

What sports equipment starts with the letter x?

What are some sports teams that begin with the letter X?

Xavier University Musketeers

Are there any sports beginning with the letter X?

Xare is a raquet sport - On an indirect note, X is a strike in bowling.

What sport has the letter x in it?

Boxing, floor exercise gymnastics and six-man football are sports.

Professional sports starting with the letter x?

I'm not if it is a professional sport or not, but X-games??

What sports start with the proper letter x?

Well, can only think of cross country. Sometimes people write the initials for cross country as X for cross, since an X is crossed, and C for Country.