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Q: Can goal keeper replace his position with striker between match?
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What positions for soocer are there?

gaol keeper defence midfield striker

What are the difference between attacker and stricker in football game?

the attaker location is not in the goal keeper zone ,but the striker always in the front and he tries to not be offside that why the striker scores a lot of goals more than the attaker.

How old is too old for Proffessional soccer?

Depends on the position Keeper: 40+ Defender: 36+ Midfielder:32+ Striker:30+ This is my opinion but there has been fantastic strikers at the age of 36 !!

When did Fernando Torres start being goal keeper in soccer?

I think he was a striker always.

What is the best thing about Arsenal FC?

there style of football, worst we dont spend on positions such as cb, keeper and striker

In soccer if the goal keeper is out of the box is the keeper then a defender?

Technicaly the keeper is always the keeper which is why he is wearing a diffrent uniform. In the rules it states that a team must be made up of ten players and a keeper you must have a keeper at all times. If he is out of the box he acts as any other player and cannot use his hands. You could have your keeper playing striker if you wanted as long as he was still wearing somthing to distinguish him as the keeper.

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What Quidditch position does Harry Potter play in The Half Blood Prince?

Harry plays Seeker throughout the books.

What rules should the goal keeper adhere to in rugby?

There is no Goal Keeper position in either code of rugby.

Can a goal keeper score a goal from his position?

Of course.

Is backstump a cricket position?

No,it is called Wicket-keeper

What are the positions in a soccer team u12 of 8 players?

Keeper Right Back Center Back Left Back Right Mid Center Mid Left Mid Striker Each position has variations as well, such as Right Wing Backs, or Centre Forwards who play between where the Center Mid would be and the Strikers.