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its because the fans our honouring the players it goes backto when Jesus came down from the mountain and the people thenthrew palms on the ground to honour him as we today put red carpet down forthe famous

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Q: Why do Argentina fans throw paper at soccer games?
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When do you throw a soccer ball in soccer games?

Whenever the ball exits the field across a touch line.

What Greek sport was played 2500 years?

My best guess is soccer because it is one of the oldes games i know of. :D

When is it a goal throw in soccer?

When a goal is scored off a throw in

'throw in' is associated to which sport?


At the beginning of a soccer game is there a throw in?

No, there is a kickoff.

What Things Can You Do With A Ball?

You can bounce, kick, throw, catch, dribble, pass, shoot, and play games like basketball, soccer, volleyball, and baseball with a ball.

When is a throw in awarded?

a throw in, in soccer is awarded when the ball is out of bounds but only on the side lines

How do you get the paper tantrum revenge in office jerk?

Throw the paper ball at him a few times and then eventually he will get red and throw it at him again and he will catch it and throw it back to you.

What can you throw away that is not paper?

You can throw anything away if you wish to.

What is a rainbow in soccer?

A rainbow in soccer is when you put it behind you in your legs, then you throw it over your head with your feet.

In Soccer can you throw the ball into yourself?

Can a soccer player make a throw in and then play the ball? No. Another player, either a teammate or an opponent, must touch the ball first.

What is a throw in soccer?

A team is awarded with a throw-in when an opposing player is the last one to touch the ball before it leaves the field of play. And that is a soccer throw. you have to practice doing it because there are some rules for it.