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Q: Why did Hakeem Olajuwon leave his birth country?
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To leave ones country of birth is?

To leave one's country of birth is known as emigration or to emigrate.

Do you need a valid passport to leave the country by car?

usually need passport, birth certificate, ID, etc to reenter the country, so, yes,

Do stingrays leave their children at birth?

There is no nurturing from the mother. They leave after birth, commonly mating afterwards.

Why do cats leave their kittens after birth?

Cats leave their kittens after birth to protect them from predators and to allow them to develop independence.

What is it called when people leave the country?

When people leave their country to live in another country, it is called emigration.

What age can you leave the country with parents permission?

You can leave the country in age 17+

How many months do you need on Australian passport to leave the country?

as soon as you have it in your hand you can leave the country.

What animals leave their young at birth?


What does 'maternity leave' mean?

Maternity leave is a period of time a woman takes off work after (and shortly before) the birth of her baby. This time is sometimes paid and sometimes not paid. The time off allows the mother to bond with her new baby as well as recovering from the birth. The time allowed for maternity leave varies by company and by country. Some places now allow paternity leave so the father can take time off work too.

Can pregnant mothers leave country to give birth without husband consent?

It certainly depends on the local laws in your area - it is best for you to seek legal advice. Good Luck .

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What is it called when you move from one country to another?

It is called emigration when you leave one country and immigration when you arrive in another country.