Captain Alexander "Aly" Borromeo. The people loves him for he can play as a striker, forward,defender(in National Games) and many more, we call him the ALL AROUND CAPTAIN :)
Philippines Team Azkals
The Philippine Azkals started by just forming. People wanted a Philipino soccer team, so people tried out. Russians also joined so now, we have the Azkals.... Who obviously are not good enough to get into the Fifa World Cup... -.-
Jason Sabio of the Philippine Azkals
Yes the have..They are called the Philippine National Football Team or as they are famously called the "Azkals". They were defeated by Sri Lanka in the qualifying match for the Fifa World Cup.
phillipine azkals
No he is not going there.
It's The National Team of The Phillipines
Azkal is the nickname for the Philippine national football team. The team represents the country in international football competitions and is composed of top Filipino football players from around the world. The team's name, Azkals, is derived from the Filipino word "askal," which means "street dog," symbolizing the team's underdog spirit.
finish all the game modes like seasons,manager mode,tournament,be a pro, etc. if you fill up all the octagon box (pressing select button), you will unlock 2 leagues the UNITED FOOTBALL LEAGUE and SUPER LEAGUE GREECE azkals is in the UNITED FOOTBALL LEAGUE ^_^
win 100 game
Captain of the team
Tim Cahill is the team captain for Australia's football team! (: