Kentuckey Wildcats
Joe was most likely to win, which is why he did win.
It is more likely that Argentina will win, but there is all to play for.
The basketballteam most likely to win next year according to sports nation, Western Kentucky University; of Kentucky
Kosoke Kitajima.
A very tough choice. Most likely, simply due to the athleticism and the amount of superstars that are used to taking clutch shots, the 2008 Redeem Team would win.
Most likely they will not win the tag team titles. They reason is because at Survivor Series its likely Dx will break up again because Shawn Micheals or HHH will turn on each other in the handicap match.
It means that the team that makes the most mistakes will learn from their faults and are quite likely to succeed when it really counts.
Mr.Tillman felt most strongly that the team in SOR Losers had to win
Most likely, the Lakers will win. That's my opinion. :b
The two teams people think are most likely to win are Bayern Munich (again) and Barcelona.
the team that has the most points