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Q: Which team is current world champion of football?
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Which team is present world champion of fifa?

Spain National Football Team.

Which team is the best football team in the world and why?

Barcelona are the best football team in the world because they have won 4 or 3 champion leagues and they have all the best players

Who is the current world devis cup tennis single man champion?

Noone, it's a team event, Spain is current champion.

Why do they say a football team is the 'world champion' when they don't play anybody outside the US?

because no other country can be bothered to play American football Because no other country can compete with NFL teams in American Football. The same reason the World Series champion is called the "World Champion" (though, in the case of MLB, there is one team, the Toronto Blue Jays, outside of the US). Moreover, the title "National Champion" is used by the champion of COLLEGE football, and is thus unavailable for the champion of professional football.

What is the history behind football in Spain?

In the European country of Spain, the most popular sport is football. The first football club was Recreativo de Huevla and was formed in 1889. Spain is the current FIFA world cup champion team.

Football world champion team?

Pittsburgh Steelers, with their amazing 6 Superbowl wins!

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The current reigning F1 world champion of 2010 is Sebastial Vettel. He drove for the Red Bull Racing team.

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Who is captain of FIFA Football World Cup Champion team?

The goalkeeper Iker casillas is the captain of Spain the world champions.

Which team won of worldcup football-2010?

Spain was crowned the 2010 FIFA World Cup Champion.

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Who country won the football world cup in 1954?

The world champion was West Germany and that was the only time a team of amateurs won it