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Q: Which is the first foreign country to host ipl match?
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foreign direct investment is that investment in which a foreign country invests in a host country.

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Foreign Capital is the source,amount or amount of goods that is introduced in a host country by a foreign country. getting resources from another country or from outside the boundry of our country

First country to host Olympics?

first country to host common wealth games

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The ambassador's role is to represent the policy of his own country to the host country where he is stationed.

What laws apply to foreign nationals working in medical military treatment facilities overseas who violate privacy standards?

Laws of the host country

What do we call our government's representative to a foreign country?

We call our government's representative to a foreign country an ambassador. Ambassadors are responsible for representing their country's interests, promoting diplomatic relations, and communicating with the host government.

What does a ambassador do in foreign relations?

An ambassador represents their country in a foreign nation and acts as a liaison between governments. They promote their country's interests, negotiate agreements, and maintain diplomatic relations with the host country. Ambassadors also provide information and analysis on political, economic, and social developments in the host country to their home government.

Who was first women to host indian flag in foreign?

Bhikhaji Rustom Cama

What laws apply to foreign nationals working in overseas who violate privacy standards?

Laws of the host country.

What does the acronym sofa mean?

The acronym SOFA stands for "Status of Forces Agreement." It is a bilateral agreement between a host country and a foreign nation that outlines the legal status of the foreign military personnel deployed in the host country.

What law do foreign working in military treatment hospital overseas who violate the privacy standards?

Laws of the host country

What laws apply to foreign nationals working in MTF overseas who violate privacy standards?

Laws of the host country.