Ian 'H' Watkins was born on May 8, 1976.
Ian 'H' Watkins was born on May 8, 1976.
The "H" in Ian H Watkins stands for "Huw."
Ian 'H' Watkins is 34 years old (birthdate: May 8, 1976).
It depends which Ian Watkins you are referring to, both singers named Ian Watkins live in South Wales. give personal and private information on any individual.
The 'H' stands for hyperactive
Ian H Watkins, the British pop singer with the group Steps came out as gay in 2007 with an interview with the Sun newspaper.
Ian Watkins's birth name is Ian David Karslake Watkins.
Ian Watkins from Steps or lostprophets?
Ian Watkins was born on July 30, 1977.
Ian Watkins goes by The Tsunami of Swagger.
Ian Watkins - radio presenter - was born in 1978.