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In 1867, the federal dominion of Canada was formed. In 1931, Canada was granted its independence from Britain in almost every way, but it wasn't until 1982 that all legal dependence on British Parliament was finally severed.

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Canada won its indentpence from Great Britain

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Q: When did Canada break away from Great Brittan?
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No. They feel they should break away and become their own country.

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Yes, Thomas Jefferson did explain why the colonies should break away from Great Britain. He created the document, Declaration of Independance, that stated that the American colonies had the right to break away from Great Britain.

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America broke away from England which is part of Great Britain.

Which legislative body voted to break away from Great Britain?

seCond contInatinal conGresS

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The Declaration of Independence

What did people do to survive the great deprssion in Canada?

It almost killed us.