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Q: What was the relationship between Canada and Britain before 1982?
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How long did Britain rule Canada?

Britain ruled Canada from 1763 to 1867. This means that Canada was under the British rule for 104 years before gaining independence.

What was the relationship between Canada and the US before the North American Free Trade Agreement?

Essentially trade boundaries between the two had been erased in the late 1980, so NAFTA had more effect on Mexico than on Canada.

Why was the Halibut Treaty a significant step in Canada's independence from Great Britain?

It was the first treaty negotiated by Canada, independent of Britain. Before this time Canada had always looked to Britain to ratify any international agreements they made. When informed of the treaty, Britain wished to sign the treaty along with Canada, as it had in the past, but Canadian Prime MinisterWilliam Lyon Mackenzie Kingresisted. He insisted that the treaty was only a concern between Canada and the United States. Britain eventually acquiesced when Mackenzie King threatened to send independent representation toWashington, D.C., which would in effect completely bypass Britain's authority.

What is the connection between Canada and England?

Canada was settled by French and English people. After the French and Indian War, many French were expelled and Canada was then a British colony. It stayed on the British side during The War of 1812. Canada gradually became self governing and continued its close ties with Britain.

What was the political condition in Canada before confederation?

The colonies where separated send depended on England Canada became a country in July1,1867.

What year did Canada separate from Great Britain?

The United States and Canada have been separate countries well before either have been founded as countries.

How were Britain and Canada East related before Confederation?

Canada East did not exist as a separate entity. It was the former Lower Canada. From 1842 to 1867 was part of the pre-Confederation Province of Canada. As such, it was a largely self-governing British colony.

When did great Britain take control of Canada?

well, in the beginning, canada was called british north america because britain owned it and the british had started to colonize it before anyone had. they were in fact the first people to immigrate to canada.

What was the relationship like between Muslims and Christians before the crusades?

It's complicated.

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The answer is ASIAN