The poor, like in most places eat what is most affordable, staples such as packaged kraft dinners[pasta] regular forms of pasta, rice, potatoes ect. Unfortunately the poor do not tend to be particualar as to what they eat. I think it was Mark Twain who said, principles do not go far unless one is well fed. So, nutrition and healthy eating does not tend to be the order of the day. Sometimes though, the diet of the poor can be healthier than the diet of the affluent, who over indulge themselves with the best available at the cost of their own health. Poor is poor relatively, I do not believe anyone in Canada starves to death, the real poor are those whom cannot get enough to hold body and soul together, poverty is not that extreme in Canada.
Japanese foods of course! (but I do not know what kind of Japanese food)
"hunger" poor- love,education rich-to be contented poor people encounter *hunger for peace *hunger for food *hunger for shelter *hunger for money
You have enough food for poor and rich people in the world. You have to be kind and considerate like one of my US friend on Face Book. She once said that Jesus died for you, so you should live for him.
The food for rich is poor people(their mind and body) and for poor people whatever they afford to get,not when they are hungry but when it is available.. By-Sagar
I would give food or money to the poor people because they don't have nothing to have or to do
the poor kind
Because he's Canadian and there are no poor people in Canada
That's a kind of mean question and you couldn't answer that without knowing if its a poor black person or a wealthy black person. POOR: food WEALTHY: shoes
You can be be a role model by being kind hearted to people and not just yourself.Donating clothes money or food to the poor peopleActing selfless sometimes.
poor people
The kind of people who live on a landfill are people who are to poor and have no money to buy anything.