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Q: What is the penalty for adultery in the Philippines?
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What is the penalty for adultery in Kansas?

I doubt if adultery is illegal in Kansas any more than it is anywhere else in the western world.

What is the penalty for adultery in the state of Mississippi?

Adultery is not a crime in the state of Mississippi. However, adultery can be used as a reason for a divorce.

What was smallest penalty for adultery in Massachusetts colony in The Scarlet Letter?

Wearing the Scarlet letter is the smallest punishment. The usual punishment for adultery was death.

Which country has abolished death penalty?


Philippines government transition?

anti- death penalty i am a anti death penalty... because death penalty is not a human punishment..

In the scarlet letter What was the severest possible penalty for adultery in the Massachusetts colony?

The severest possible penalty for adultery in the Massachusetts colony during the time of "The Scarlet Letter" was execution. Adulterers could face death by hanging or by being burned at the stake as punishment for their crime.

What does Solomon say about getting away with adultery?

Thou shalt not. The penalty Especialy for women is to be stoned to death.

What is the penalty for shoplifting in the Philippines?

Shoplifting is considered theft in the Philippines. The penalty for shoplifting varies depending on the value of what was stolen. Prison time may be anywhere for one year to 20.

What is the penalty for shoplifting case in Philippines?

Shoplifting is considered theft in the Philippines. The penalty for shoplifting varies depending on the value of what was stolen. Prison time may be anywhere for one year to 20.

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What is the punishment for adultery in Philippines?

You get put in a Wicker Man and burn to death

What is the Jewish penalty for a cheating wife?

The traditional Jewish penalty for a cheating wife was death during the more patriarchal days. Divorce is now a common way of handling adultery instead.