Para que todos los oyentes y lectores que experimentan la traducción entiendan la significación original.
That all the listeners and readers who experience the translation might understand the original meaning.
"La ultima meta" or "la maxima meta" are proper Spanish translations for "the ultimate goal".
'el ultimo gol en futbol'?
Translation in Tagalog is "pagsasalin" which refers to converting text from one language to another. Collaboration is "kolaborasyon" which means working together towards a common goal.
The English translation of the Greek word "skopos" is "goal" or "target."
Se la perdio! translates to: He lost it! Meaning: he lost his shot 'on goal' there is something lost in translation. hope it helps.
Ekspidesyon is the Filipino translation of expedition. This is referring to a voyage of a group of people with a mission or goal like researches, explorations, or war.
The word for "purpose" in Tagalog is "layunin" or "hangarin." It refers to the reason or intention behind an action or goal.
One important goal is preserving the original meaning and intent of the poem while also ensuring that the translation captures the style and tone of the original work. Another important goal is creating a translation that reads smoothly and poetically in the target language while maintaining the structure and form of the original poem.
Translation theory aims to analyze, understand, and improve the process of translating between languages. It provides a framework for translators to consider linguistic and cultural differences, challenges, and strategies in producing accurate and culturally appropriate translations. Ultimately, the goal of translation theory is to enhance communication and promote understanding across linguistic and cultural boundaries.
hoe like i pahu hope [ho-ay lee-kay ee pa-hoo ho-pay]
The literal translation of "Poco a poco" is "Little by little". The expression is used to prompt someone to be patient and conscious of his/her limitations when pursuing some ambitious goal.
"Intend" in Tagalog can be translated as "layunin" or "hangarin." It refers to the purpose or goal behind a certain action or decision.