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Q: What is the average length of passenger cars in meters in Canada?
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train length depends upon cabins attached to the engine. engine length is about 20 meters. and each cabin length is approximatelly 40 meters. so about 200 meters to 500 meters a passenger train has length (average)

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What is the length of average car?

The length of an average car is about five meters. Some are longer than this while others are shorter like the sedan which is about 4.12 meters.

What is the average stride length in meters of 49 strides in 100 meters?

A little mroe than 2 meters.

What stream measurement is taken in meters?

In meters you can measure the length of a section, the average depth and the speed can be expressed in meters per second

How long are mamba snakes?

Adult black mambas have an average length of 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) and a maximum length of 4.3 meters (14 ft).[

Are there snakes in Canada?

Yes, there are snakes in Canada. The country is home to several species of snakes, including the garter snake, eastern milk snake, and northern water snake. However, most of these snakes are non-venomous and pose little threat to humans.