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It is 4228 miles or 6803 kilometers between London, England and Edmonton, Alberta.
The distance from Nottingham, England, to Malibu, California, is 5,374 air miles. That equals 8,649 kilometers or 4,670 nautical miles.
The flight distance from Belgium to Nottingham, United Kingdom is: 266 miles / 427 km
The driving distance between London, England and Nottingham, England is 128 mi - about 2 hours 31 mins.
Edmonton is in Canada. There is also a Edmonton in Kentucky and England.
There are 128.779 miles between Essex, UK and Nottingham, England.
The air distance from Milan, Italy, to Nottingham, England, is 696 miles. That equals 1,120 kilometers or 605 nautical miles.
Edmonton is the capital of the Canadian Province of Alberta. Edmonton got its name from Fort Edmonton. Fort Edmonton got its name from a small community in England with the same name. The name Edmonton has a long history in England. Edmonton, Alberta was established as a town in 1892. The town was named after Fort Edmonton which had been established by 1795. The name of the fort was suggested by John Peter Pruden after Edmonton, London, which was his home in England as well as the home of Sir James Winter Lake, the deputy governor of the Hudson's Bay Company at the time. Edmonton, England got its name from a region known as the Edmonton Hundred which was a district of the historic county of Middlesex from Saxon times. Edmonton appears in the Domesday Book of 1086, where it is recorded as Adelmetone.
London, England, has a latitude of 51°30′N, and Edmonton, Alberta, has a latitude of 53°32′N. Thus, Edmonton is further north than London, by about 226 kilometres.
Nottingham and Newcastle are two cities in England. The distance between these two locations is 54.8 miles. The estimated driving time is 1 hour and 16 minutes.
The distance between East Grinstead England and Nottingham England is 169.4 miles. That takes approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes to drive in a vehicle.
Nottingham is in England