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15 degrees, 27 minutes East declination.

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Q: What is the Declination Value for Calgary Alberta Canada?
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What is Alberta's present value to the U.S. dollar?

Alberta is a province of Canada. Assuming that you are asking about the quarter issued in, I believe, 1992 with Alberta on it (part of a series of 12 quarters issued that years with all of the provinces), the coin in uncirculated condition is probably worth US$0.50 to US$1.00 or so. Its face value is C$0.25, which at today's (11/21/2008) exchange rate is about US$0.20.

What is the approximate value of a Panasonic portable tv model number tr-5040p?

I just bought one at the flea market in Calgary (Canada) for $ 40 (Brand new in the original box). I would assume that the value is greater than that.

What is the magnetic declination for Missouri?

The magnetic declination for Missouri can vary depending on the specific location within the state. As a general estimate, the magnetic declination for Missouri is around 1-2 degrees east. It is recommended to check a current magnetic declination map or use a GPS device for accurate information.

What is a 1983 Calgary stampede dollar worth?

Its value is nothing, except for sentimental value.

What is The discrepancy between the orientation of a compass and true north known as?

The discrepancy between the orientation of a compass and true north is known as declination. It is caused by the difference between the Earth's magnetic field and its geographic North Pole. To navigate accurately, this declination value needs to be factored in when using a compass for navigation.

What is the value of a Brad McCrimmon hockey stick that was used in the 1989 Stanley Cup and is signed by all players?

The VALUE is, it was used in the 1989 Stanley cup game won by Calgary Flames. Also it was signed by all the Calgary Flames Stan;ey cup champions.

What is the valus of 1975 Alberta heritage anniversary coin?

It has no value at all, it is just for decoration.

What is the value of official Calgary olympic 1988 boxed set of red and white ridout wine?


How much is a Calgary stampede dollar 1976 worth?

The value of Coins and Paper Money can vary drastically depending on year, condition, and stamping. A 1976 Calgary Stampede commemorative dollar is worth between $3 and $4.