Sportif if its masculine or sportive if its femanine but this means sporty not sport
You say sport in french the same way you spell sport: Sport
"what sport?"
un sport extrême
The word sports, spelled the same in French as in English, is pronounced "spohr". It rhymes with nord, porc and or.Don't get answers from this site, most answers are wrong!!!
Terrain de sport in French is "sports ground" in English.
It's the same in French, it's masculine so it'd be "Le sport"
you say it "un sport national".
Vous faire aime le sport?
Rugby is an English sport, developed at Rugby School, also played by the French
Sport is a masculine, not a feminine, word in French. The masculine singular noun, which means "exercise," "sport" or "sports" in English, may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular le since French employs definite articles where English does and does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "(luh) spor" in Alsatian French.
Quel estton sport préféré ?
Wrestling (sport) is 'la lutte' in French.