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Canada is not landlocked. Canada has extensive Coastlines on three oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic.

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Q: Since Canada is landlocked why does it have a navy?
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What land locked country has the largest navy?

Bolivia has the largest navy of any landlocked country. Other landlocked countries with a separate Navy force include Uganda, Laos, Azerbaijan, and recently Serbia (since Montenegro split with them) and others.

What landlocked nation has the largest navy?

A landlocked nation does not have direct access to the sea and typically does not have a navy. Consequently, there is no landlocked nation with the largest navy. Navies are primarily established and maintained by coastal countries to secure their maritime interests and project power at sea.

Which landlocked country has a navy Bolivia ethiopia afghanistan or Mongolia?

Bolivia has a navy, although it is almost entirely composed of river craft, since Bolivia lost its Pacific coast in a war with Chile in 1879.

Is Belarus in Canada?

No. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe.

How many countries in North America are landlocked?

On the North American continent there are 2 countries, Canada and the USA, neither is landlocked.

Example using the word landlocked in a sentence?

Since the state of Idaho does not touch a body of water, it is landlocked.

Does Austria have a Navy?

As Austria has no coast, it also doesn't have a navy.

How do you think Greek society would have been different if Greece were a landlocked country?

It wouldn't have as strong as a navy as it did.

Why might be a disadvantage for a country to be landlocked?

In the 1700's Russia was a landlocked country and Peter the Great decided to create a route to the sea. He could see that for a country to be important that they needed to be able to trade with others and to have a Navy. So to solve this problem he built St. Petersburg and built a Navy.

How do you think being landlocked might affect a nations economy?

original answer(not by myself) :they wouldn't have seafood to sell or eat . haha funny(and terrorfying) but being landlocked means alot of things mainly 1. It most likely will not get a lot of trading because of no sea ports. This results in lower export/income 2. It can be blockaded by neighbouring countries,it will have more incentive to be friendly. 3. It will not have a navy,resulting in less military power generally countries which are landlocked don't become big empires. like Canada,US of A,China,Rome,U.K

Which two provinces do not have any water as a border?

Alberta and Saskatchewan are Canada's two landlocked provinces.

What are the ports of Arizona?

They are non-exstent since Arizona is a landlocked US State.