Match Time - Watch IPL matches LIVE at the site in the Related Links.
You can watch any format of live cricket anytime anywhere on livecricketnirvana
Watch Indian tv channels live free streaming online in your pc you can watch all international matches(and even ipl t20 matches)
Youtube is offering telecast of all IPL matches
IPL is conducted in the month of April and May because vacation are going of childrens and their are free to watch IPL.
Try the timesofindia website. They have a live streaming channel
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The best place for this would of course be the official IPL site where they have a wealth of information, not just the current rankings. Have a look at their site and you should be able to find all the information you require there.
Some Radio channels (FM) provide live score updates on a regular basis, say every 15 mins. We do not have any live commentary of IPL matches in India.