Canada is hot in summer since sunlight melts the snow. Snow causes temperature to drop, and Canadians don't like the snow because its not hot. If we remove all of the snow from the Earth, the world would be less cold
Mexico is hot all year... Canada is warm and cold.
Canada isnt all cold, during the summer it could be hot. and also if you cant go more west it can get more hot
cold hot and sometimes freezing
Countries that experience hot summers and cold winters include the United States, Canada, Russia, China, and Australia. These countries typically have a temperate climate with distinct seasonal variations in temperature.
It's hot in summer, warm in spring, cold in winter, and warm but mostly cold in fall
the weather in canada in winter time is exzactly half and half it is split down the middle with really cold and hot
Canada main climate ic cold and hot and dry like the desert i live in the desert for 2 years. Now i live in C anada and it ' s tempeerature goes to cold then dry
Canada is a cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold cold place
earth is hot and cold
It really depends on where in Canada you are. If you are up north, it is very cold all the time, but where most Canadians live, in the southern part of Canada near the border between Canada and the United States, it can be rather hot; the temperature can reach over 30 degrees Celsius. It is still cold in the winter though.
The tribe was located in the Northeast and Canada. Cold and snow in the winter while in the summers hot and humid.