Under an ounce is $0.75.
How much is it to send a birthday card from Toronto area to London, England?
Sending a card to the UK will cost much more than sending one to Canada. The cost of sending a card to the UK would be about 5 to 7 dollars. Sending one to Canada will cost about 2 dollars.
A birthday card in the mail will cost 49 cents. A post card will cost 34 cents and can be no larger than 4" by 6".
how much does it cost to send a birthday card to australia
$20 for USA and Canada. I'm not sure about other countries.
£4.99 in the UK, $6.99 in the US, and $7.99 in Canada
That will depend on where in the world you are sending it from, which you have not stated. Your local post office will have current prices for you.
A stamp for a standard envelope (birthday card ect. Costs €0.82 from Ireland to austrailia.
That will depend on where in the world you are sending it from, which you have not stated. Your local post office will have current prices for you.
it cost nothing
the actual game is 20 dollars but you have to renew ur account every month you pay 20 dollars for a card for 1 month or 30 for a card for 2 months or u can pay with a credit card