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Q: How long is a football intermission?
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Related questions

How do you use intermission in a sentence?

the intermission was about 15 minutes long

What is a sentence for the word 'intermission'?

Long plays and movies often have an intermission for the comfort of viewers.

How long is seussical jr?

It's like an hour and a half including intermission For the versions I was in, it was about an hour with no intermission.

How long is hockey intermission?

20 mins.

Is there an intermission during billy Elliot musical?

Yes, the musical was about 3 hours long with a 20 minute intermission when I saw it.

How long is wickeds intermission?

Only 15 minutes

How long is once on this island jr?

When I was in it was about 50 minutes with no intermission.

How long is a cirque du soleil show?

Saltimbanco is two and a half hours long. including a 20 minutes intermission (: Rosalie

How long does the play Jersey Boys last?

Although I do not know the specific amount of time that Jersey Boys has for their intermission, the most common time is fifteen to twenty minutes. A show can't have a too long intermission because then the audience would be in "reality" for too long. They need to stay invested in the story, so a short fifteen minute intermission is most believable.

Is intermission a noun and a verb?

Intermission is a noun. It is not a verb because you cannot "intermission" something.

How long is the rocky horror show?

No, that is the running time of the show without the intermission. Intermission could add another 20-30 minutes.

How long does Lord Of The Ring movies last each?

about 3 hours with no intermission