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Q: How can we prevent problems of violence at international sporting events?
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Why do you prevent violence?

Because violence is hurtful.

Southern republicans worked to prevent injustice bu there was little they could do to?

Prevent acts of violence against former slaves.

Do Marines fight with peaceful or violent tactics?

Marines always find ways to be peaceful and prevent violence but if nothing works a marine uses force to solve the problems

Which statement describes a similarity between the international responses to ethnic violence in Rwanda and in Darfur during the 1990s and 2000s?

Answer this question… The United Nations failed to prevent large-scale genocide in both locations.

What can the constitution do to prevent domestic violence?

They are laws against domestic violence. That is why people go to court to seek justice.

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What is the mailing address for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence?

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence 1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005

It is OK to use violence?

It is not okay to use violence. If you are depriving the rights of others due to your violent reaction then it will become wrong.

Do referee encourage violence?

The purpose of a referee is to prevent violence and to make sure that atheles are playing a certain sport by the rules.

For domestic violence to occur what is necessary injury brutality violence or physical contact?

i just want to know, how do i prevent domestic?

What was the chief aim of the new united nations?

It was hoped that the UN could settle international disputes and prevent future wars.

Southern republican worked to prevent injustice but there was little they could do to?

Prevent acts of violence against former slaves.