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Q: How Long Is Canada In Kilomaters?
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78,772 sq kilometers

What had long lasting tensions the rest of Canada?

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How many kilomaters away from earth is magellanic cloud?

There are two Magellanic clouds at distances of 160,000 and 200,000 light-years from the Earth. 1 light year is 9.46073E12 kilometres.

How long is a president elected in Canada?

There is no president in Canada.

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How long is the Trans Canada trail?

very long it goes from one said of Canada to the other

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How long does it takes to drive from ottawa Canada to vancuver Canada?

It takes about 44 hours long to drive from Ottawa, Canada to Vancouver, Canada. The actual distance by car is 4,815.7 km.

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How long is a flight from British columbia Canada to Minnesota?

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How long does it take to drive from Boston to Sudbury Canada?

How long is Canada in miles?

2 yards long

How long is Canada's longest night?

not very long