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Q: Highest paid sportperson in New Zealand?
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Related questions

Who is the highest paid rugby player in New Zealand?

Dan Carter holds that honour

Does new zealand have the highest animal abuse in new zealand?

what kind of a question is that?if you mean "does new zealand have the highest animal abuse in the world"then the answer is NO.

The highest paid premiership rugby union players?

Carl Hayman former New Zealand Prop at £370,000 a year.

What time of year are New Zealand suicide rates highest?

New Zealand suicide rates are probably highest during the winter.

Where is the highest coast?

New Zealand

Who are the highest paid police in New Jersey?

The highest paid department is Paramus PD.

What new zealand city receives the most rainfall?

Of the 15 recognised cities in New Zealand, New Plymouth has the highest rainfall.

Why would Germany have the highest rates of suicide?

It doesn't. New Zealand and Finland are the highest.

What season is the sun highest in the sky in new Zealand?


What is the lhe highest mountain in new zealand?

Mt. Cook

Where mount cook is the highest mountain peak?

New Zealand

Is the standard living in New Zealand one of the highest in the world?

Yes it is. New Zealand has the 20th highest living standard in the world. With #19 being Liechtenstein and #21 being the United Kingdom.