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No, Soccer as we know it today was invented in England in the 1800s but even before the game became a known sport in Europe many cultures already played sports similar to soccer 3000 years ago. One of the games that preceded soccer was played in Japan in 1004 B.C. There is a historical artifact from 50 BC that shows how players from Japan and China competed in a game similar to soccer where the players kicked around a leather ball that was filled with hair. It is certain that a soccer game was played in the Japanese city Kyoto in 611 AD. The Chinese also played a game similar to soccer during the Han Dynasty. Early Romans and Greeks also played a game similar to modern soccer with 27 players. Because there have been many games involving kicking a ball in the history of man and some of these games have also perished, historians are not sure who really invented soccer. Some credit the game to the Chinese military who played the game around 255 BC as part of their physical training. The documentary proof of the games played in Kyoto also makes historians believe the sport could have come from Japan. There are also those who argue that the game was created by the Greeks who also had a game where men and women kicked and threw a ball around. The game was called "Episkyros". This was the game that is said to be adapted by the Romans for their game called Harpastum. In England, the players played the game too fiercely that the game usually resulted in physical harm among them. During the reign of King Edward, laws were created to prevent people from playing the game. Laws against the sport were also passed during the reign of King Henry IV and players were imprisoned during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. These laws however failed to completely stop the sport. By the 1800s the game became an extremely popular sport. By 1815, the Eton college already developed rules for the game and in 1861, the game earned sanction in England and by then the sport was already being played in different regions in the nation. The soccer that we play today definitely came from England but the exact origin of the game is still unknown.

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