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Q: Can you leave Canada while on EI sick benefits?
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Should organizations be legally required to provide some basic levels of benefits-such as health insurance vacations sick leave and retiretment to contingent workers?

Contingent workers do not get any type of benefits such as insurance, vacation leave, sick leave and retirement benefits. They are only working for the company temporarily.

Do you get your sick leave if you are laid off?

No that is a benifit the company gives you

How many days sick leave are legal in Canada?

6 days per year

Which statements about work schedule benefits is false?

A+ sick leave is typically given to employees on a “use it or lose it” basis

How many days do you get for sick leave for FBI agents?

The FBI provides its permanent, full-time employees with four hours of paid sick leave each pay period, or 13 days each year. Agents receive fringe benefits of paid vacations, sick leave, and annuities upon retirement.

Which of these is considered a work schedule benefit?

sick leave

Do lawyers get sick days?

It depends on the firm or organization they work for. Some firms may offer sick days as part of their benefits package for lawyers, while others may not. It is advised to check with the specific employer or refer to the employment contract for details on sick leave policies.

What are the fringe benefits of a physical therapist?

Usually fringe benefits of a physical therapist include: * paid vacations * sick leave * hospital and group insurance * retirement programs

What are the benefits that a registered nurse could get?

Fringe benefits vary among employers, but most registered nurses receive paid vacation, sick leave, health and retirement benefits, and dental and vision insurance.

Do registered nurses get fringe benefits?

Yes. Fringe benefits vary among employers, but most registered nurses receive paid vacation, sick leave, health and retirement benefits, and dental and vision insurance.

What are the types of leave?

Maternity leave, bereavement leave, sick leave, vacation leave, leave without pay, etc.

What happens to your federal sick leave when you retire?

Federal sick leave does not carry over to retirement. However, some federal employees may be eligible to convert a portion of their unused sick leave to creditable service time to increase their retirement benefits. This typically applies to Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) employees.