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Q: When was United Nations set up?
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When was the United Nations set up?

On October 24, 1945.

What organization was set up after world war 2?

United Nations (UN)

What was the International peace organization set up post world war 2?

The United Nations- formed by FDR, Stalling and Churchill

This is an organization of nations set up after World War 2 including both of the super powers?

The United Nations, often abbreviated as the UN.

What was the organization of nations set up after world war 2 including both of the superpower?

The United Nations was formed as a result of World War 2.

What is the year Norway entered the United Nations?

Norway was a founding member of the United Nations, like 50 others, and thus entered in 1945 when it was set-up. The first Secretary General was a Norwegian.

What was the name of the international peacekeeping organization that was set up at the end of world war 1?

The League of Nations. It has the same bases as the United Nations which was made after WWII.

Why was the United Nations a set up?

The United Nations intentions were to keep the peace after the horrific events of World War II. The system was formed to be an improvement to the failed "League of nations", these improvements being that any country had the right to join (Germany was not allowed to join the League of Nations because of the blame for starting World War I and Russia was not allowed to join as they had become a communist state) The United Nations gives every county a right to veto and make every country as equal as the next (Britain and France were the hierarchy in the League of Nations, other counties felt that they did not have as much right as them) The United Nations stops falling out with other countries and settles disputes and disagreements without violence.

What type organization is the United Nations?

The United Nations is an organization made up of several different countries. The purpose of the United Nations is to promote international peace. The United Nations was founded in 1945.

Where was the location of united nations post World War 2?

in an underground internment camp that the Nazi's set up, the holocaust was fake.

In 1948 Jewish people set up Israel in what?

In the territory defined for the purpose by the United Nations. It was immediately attacked from all directions, by all nations surrounding it, and lost much of the territory. You could look it up.