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Q: Why was Lenin opposed to Stalin ruling?
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Who was opposed by Leon Trotsky?

Joseph Stalin opposed Trotsky in their struggle for power after Vladimir Lenin died in 1924.

Was Lenin in power before Stalin?

Lenin (1917-1924), but poor health prevented him from doing much after mid 1922. He was succeeded by three men ruling jointly - Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev. By 1927 Stalin had sidelined the other two and from 1928 he was the dictator of the Soviet Union.

What is the history of the White Russians?

they opposed i think it was Stalin or lenin. either way they opposed a Russian leader and hated communism.

What is true Lenin was succeeded by Stalin or Stalin was succeeded by Lenin?

I think Lenin was succeeded by Stalin.

Did lenin name stalin as his successor to lead the communist party?

During the period of Lenin's semi-retirement Stalin acted as his intermediary with outside world. During this time their relationship declined as Lenin despised Stalin's authoritative style and lack of manners. He also did not like Stalin's political views and his ambition for absolute power. He also recommended in his testament that Stalin be removed from the post of Secretary General of the ruling party. However Stalin managed to conceal this testament from exposure and after Lenin's death he successfully gained power.

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2 most famous communist leaders of russia?

Vladimir Lenin, then Joseph Stalin

Did Lenin support Joseph Stalin as his successor?

No, Lenin actually opposed Stalin as his successor even to the extent of writing several notes (later to become known as Lenin's Testament" to the Central Committee of the Communist Party advising that a way be found to replace Stalin with someone who had "...greater tolerance, greater loyalty, greater courtesy, and consideration to comrades, less capriciousness, etc." Lenin's personal choice was Leon Trotsky.

How is Joseph Stalin related to Vladimir Lenin?

Stalin was Lenin's successor, even though Lenin didn't actually like Stalin much. Before that, Stalin had been in charge of the Communist Party's administration.

Did Stalin or Lenin have more control?

At first, lenin... then lenin died and Stalin screwed with the succession and seized power.

In order to secure power following Vladimir Lenin's death Joseph Stalin instituted policies designed to?

eliminate individuals who opposed his rule.

Who seceded Lenin?

Josef Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924