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Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks in engineering the October Revolution in Russia.
Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the October Revolution, since he was the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which staged the coup to depose the Provisional Government of Russia.

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12y ago

By "second Russian revolution" you most likely mean the second of the two that occurred in 1917, which is commonly referred to as the October Revolution. The leader of that Revolution was Vladimir I. Lenin.

Sometimes, the "Russian Revolution" is looked upon as a total of three revolutions. The first being in 1905 and the second and third in 1917. In that instance, the first one in 1917 would be the "second Russian revolution." The first one in 1917, called the February Revolution, had no specific leader. It came about with a spontaneous demonstration by the people of Petrograd (formerly St. Petersburg) against the severe shortages of food and manufactured goods under the Czarist regime.

In all likelihood though, virtually all historians would consider the "second Russian revolution" to have been the October Revolution and Lenin would be your answer.

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13y ago

Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the second revolution, the one referred to as the October Revolution.

Alexander Kerensky was leader of the Provisional Government at the time of the October Revolution.

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Lenin was the leader and hero of the October Revolution of 1917, but had nothing to do with the February Revolution in 1917. Stalin was a subordinate to Lenin at the time so he was not a leader at all. Karl Marx had died by the time of the revolution, so aside from planting the ideas of socialism, communism and a revolt by the people in their minds, he had nothing to do with the revolution itself. well this is helpfull