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The last Tsar of Imperial Russia was Nicholas II of Russia, formerly known as Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov. On March 22 1917, he was put under house arrest and later he and his family were executed under the Bolsheviks. It was presumed a true socialist revolution would be impossible if there was any legitimate claim to the throne.

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Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian throne in in March, 1917, when the February Revolution toppled the Tsarist regime.

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There was no Tsar that overthrew Nicholas 2 in 1917, the people rebelled and he abdicated

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Nicholas II.

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Nicholas II of Russia .

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Q: Who was the Russian leader who abdicated in 1917?
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What Russian czar abdicated in 1917?

Czar Nicholas II Romanov abdicated in 1917.

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Tsar Nicholas Romanov II was the Russian ruler in 1906 and continued as such until he abdicated the throne in March 1917.

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No Russian communist overthrew the Russian monarchy. The Tsar abdicated in March 1917 after the February Revolution. A non-communist Provisional Government was then set up. In October 1917, the Russian Communist leader overthrew the Provisional Government. The Russian monarchy had already been overthrown.

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Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Russian government in December 1917.

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Czar Nicholas Romanov II was still Russia's leader in 1914. He abdicated in March 1917.

Who became the leader of the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution of 1917?

Vladimir I. Lenin became the leader of the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Who was the 1917 Russian leader?

There were several. Up until March 7, 1917, the Russian leader was Tsar Nicholas II. Once he abdicated the throne, the Provisional Government took charge with Prince Georgy Lvov as its leader. Three months later, Lvov stepped down and Alexander Kerensky became the leader of the Provisional Government. About 5 months after that, Vladimir Leninr became the leader when he and the Bolsheviks deposed the Provisional Government and took control of the country.

Who became the leader of the provisional government after czar Nicholas 2 quit as the leader of Russia?

They aren't revolutionaries in the true sense of the word but first Prince Georgy Lvov and then Alexander Kerensky led the Russian Provisional Government after the Tsar abdicated in March 1917. Vladimir Lenin is the Russian revolutionary who took control of the country in October 1917 (O.S.) by ousting the Provisional Government

Was Nicholas II the leader of Germany?

No, he was the leader of Russia until he abdicated because of his poor leadership skills in March 1917 after the February Revolution.

Who replaced him as the leader of the Russian federation?

He abdicated his throne to his brother, Grand Duke Michael, but he refused to take it.

What is a Russian leader?

Prior to the revolutions of 1917, the Russian leaders were called Czars or Tsars.

How many years had the Russian monarchy survived before the Tsar abdicated?

The Romanov Dynasty ruled for 304 years from 1613 to 1917.