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Nikita Khrushchev became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union after Stalin died. The General Secretary's position was the real seat of power in the Soviet Union at the time. In that sense only can it be logically said that Khrushchev "lead communism" after Stalin died. It would be incorrect to say that he "lead communism," because "communism" existed in several other countries and neither Stalin nor Khrushchev lead those countries. One could say that Nikita Khrushchev lead communism in the Soviet Union in particular, but not that he lead communism in general.

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14y ago

Joseph Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communist Party when Lenin died' however he did not take full control of the USSR until 1929. He ruled along with Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev at Lenin's death. Over the next five years, Stalin ousted Zinoviev and Kamenev and took full control in 1929.

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Based on the words of Nikita Khrushchev, there was confusion among the top Soviet leaders when Stalin died. Malenkov emerged as Prime Minister and First Secretary of the Communist Party with Beria second in the hierarchy. These two men were temporary political allies. On the other hand, Khrushchev, for a brief time went along with this situation. In less then a month, Malenkov was pressed into giving up his position as Secretary to Khrushchev, while maintaining his position of Prime Minister. Khrushchev officially became the Secretary within six months.

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Joseph Stalin held the position of "General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party" before and after Lenin died in 1924. There was no such position as "General Secretary of the Soviet Union."

Lenin never served in the General Secretary's position. He created it in 1922 and gave it to Joseph Stalin, who held it until his death in 1953. At first the position was thought to be nothing more than spokesman for Lenin, since Lenin ran the Communist Party. When Lenin was unable to govern after his stroke in 1922, Stalin used his position to gain power by appointing his allies to important Party and governmental positions and transferring his opponents out of such positions.

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Q: Who was the Communist Party General Secretary that took control of russia after the death of Vladimir Lenin?
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