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The Queen watched the race from a private suite with a balcony overlooking the track.

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Q: Where did Queen Elizabeth II sit at the Kentucky Derby?
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What age do you have to be to sit a bar in Kentucky?

You must be 21 to enter a bar in Kentucky.

Which monarch was the last to sit on the British throne?

Queen Elizabeth II (1952 - Current) is the longest-lived Monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations; the second longest reigning Monarch of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations; second longest serving Head of State [second only to Queen Victoria] of the Commonwealth of Nations formerly the British Empire. Queen Elizabeth II was preceded by her father King George VI (1936-1952).

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What jobs do you do when you are a queen?

hi the queen only job is just to sit there and boss people or her servent around. this is what i think the queen does

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How to Sit in Church - 2013 was released on: USA: 27 July 2013 (Owensboro, Kentucky)

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You will obey your queen!Long live the queen!I am your queen! I recommend that you sit down and shut up.

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she sits on a throne

When it comes to royalty Who gets to sit at the right hand and why?

Using Queen Elizabeth II as an example, Her Majesty is seated at the head of the table , and the guest of honor is seated at her right hand.This is done to bestow the honor of being the most important guest and to facilitate conversation.

Why isn't Phillip called King Phillip since he is married to Queen Elizabeth?

Prince Phillip or the duke of Edinburgh is not the king because they both signed an agreement that confirms that the queens fiancée shall not become the king on the moment of marriage, so that is why there is no king Phillip, and the next one to sit upon the throne will be prince Charles, and there is then a possibility that Camilla will then also become queen.

Who succeeded Elizabeth I as monarch of England?

Queen Elizabeth I was succeeded by King James I of England.James was her first cousin twice-removed, and had been ruling as King James VI of Scotland since July 24, 1567.James was the only son of Mary Stuart, (Queen of Scots) and Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley). Mary was the daughter of James V of Scotland, son of Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII.His English coronation took place on 25 July 1603.The crowns of England and Scotland were united under James, creating the union which became known as Great Britain. His title became: James I, By the Grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, King of Scots, Defender of the Faith, etc.

Should the queen sit on the left or right side of the king?

Traditionally, the queen sits on the king's left side. This positioning has historical significance as it allows the queen unrestricted access to her dominant hand for dining and other activities. However, modern royal couples may choose to sit together or in a manner that best suits their preferences.

What gospel song has the words who moved the piano who sit at my pew?

Fair Haven Quartet from London Kentucky. The song was written by Lonnie Marcum