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There were two Russian Revolutions in 1917. In the February Revolution, the people of Petrograd broke out into demonstrations against Tsar Nicholas II and his handling of the country, specifically the running of the war, continuing food shortages and unfair distribution of land. Tsar Nicholas II was unable to restore order and was convinced to abdicate the throne. A Provisional Government headed first by Prince Georgy Lvov and later by Alexander Kerensky was set up until a Constituent Assembly could be seated to write a new constitution.

In the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks under Lenin, staged a military coup and overthrew the Russian Provisional Government which had been formed after the Tsar had abdicated. They took power for themselves and changed their name to Communists.
The "Russian Revolution" that everyone is familiar with occurred in 1917. It consisted of two separate rebolutions, the February Revolution and the October Revolution.
The "Russian Revolution" that everyone is familiar with occurred in 1917. It consisted of two separate rebolutions, the February Revolution and the October Revolution.

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The Bolshevicks actually took power from the provisional government on October 25th 1917 (Note: this is by the Christian calendar, back then the Russians used a different kind of calendar, and that is why it is celebrated in November.) but the actual revolution started on Bloody Sunday in 1905 when the people of Russia went to the Czars winter palace and asked that he help his people out of poverty, but the Czar ordered for his men to fire on the protesters.

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The Communist Revolution occurred on October 25, 1917. That was the date in Russia, because Russia was using the old Julian calendar which was thirteen days behind the date for most of the rest of the world under the Gregorian calendar. It was November 7 according to the Gregorian calendar.

There had been another revolution in February of 1917, but that was not the revolution that put the Communists in power.

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Q: When did the Russian Revolution happen?
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