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The characteristics that enabled Russia, Austria, and Prussia to rise to power included the unification process.

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Q: What were the characteristics of russia austria and prussia to rise to power?
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How did Austria and prussia emerge from the Thirty Years War?

Austria and Prussia emerged and rose to power.

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By 1750 what was the status of Austria Hungary in Europe?

Austria had been challenged (and defeated) by Prussia but was still a great power, and, allied to France and Russia, in 1756-63 nearly managed to regain Silesia.

Who were the four main powers negotiatng the congress of Vienna?

The four main powers were Austria, the United Kingdom, Russia and Prussia. Bourbon France is generally mentioned as the 'fifth power'.

What was the major result of the war between Prussia an Austria?

The Prusso-Austrian war of 1864 changed the power structure within the Germanic lands and hence in Europe overall. For much of European history, Austria was the dominant German power and all the german states, (prussia included) followed their lead. When Prussia defeated Austria, Austria pulled out of German affairs and focused on their empire in the south. Prussia (with Bismarck as PM) eventually unified Germany, first through the North German confederation and finally with the German Reich, where the Prussian king became German Emperor.

What were the characteristics of Prussia?

The kings of Prussia ruled as an absolute monarchy from 1701-1740. A strong army helped the rulers gain power.

How did Bismarks provocation of war with Austria demonstrate realpolitik?

Bismarck's Realpolitik was a power-based policy, aimed at making Prussia the dominant power in all of Germany. Prussia's only serious contender for that position was Austria.Until the war in 1866, Austria as a Catholic empire was the prevailing power in the southern German states that were mostly Catholic as well, Prussia - as a mainly Protestant State - had its strongest position in northern Germany.By provoking a war with Austria and then soundly defeating them, Bismarck got the message across to the southern German states that Prussia was now the dominant power in Germany.

What was an enlightened despot?

The major enlightened despots were Frederick the Great of Prussia, Catherine the Great of Russia and Joseph II of Austria.

What role did prussia play in German unification?

Prussia was crucial to the unification of Germany. Under the rule of Otto von Bismarck, Prussia engaged in and won the wars that brought together the nation states that make up Germany.

Is prussia a dominant power of eastern Europe?

If you mean Prussia, it no longer exists. It officially ceased existence in 1947. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was a powerful force in eastern Europe. You may be referring to Russia. It does exist and is still a major power in eastern Europe.

What made the decisions of the congress of Vienna strongest power in northern Italy?

Austria was granted lands by the Congress that made it the stronghold of northern Italy. King Louis XVIII was acknowledged as king of France. France retained control of Corsica after the Congress. The Kingdom of Sardinia gained control of Piedmont. The Grand Duchy of Warsaw was divided between Russia and Prussia. Prussia was also awarded the region between the Netherlands and Bavaria.

What did Britain want out of world war 1?

money, power, to protect France and russia from German and austria-Hungary=)