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Two wars were going on when Tsar Nicholas II and his family were murdered by the Bolsheviks in July 1918. They were World War 1 and the Russian Civil War. Although Russia was out of World War 1 by that time, the war did not end until November 11, 1918. The Russian Civil War had just begun as a full fledged civil war in June 1918.

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Two wars were going on when Tsar Nicholas II was executed. World War 1 and the Russian Civil War were going on. Although Russia had gotten itself out of World Way 1 by March 1918, the war was still going on in the west. The Tsar was killed during the Russian Civil War in 1918. By that time, the Russian Revolution was over.

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Q: What war was going on when the czar and his family were killed?
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What happen to the Russian czar at the end of world war 1?

He was killed by the Bolsheviks during the Bolshevik revolution. His Family was also killed. Also they are the Tsar s not czar.

What Czar was killed during the Russian Revolution?

Czar Nicholas II Romanov was the Czar who was killed several months after the October Revolution. The murder took place during the Russian Civil War.

What leader was killed as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution?

Czar Nicholas the Second was killed as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution. The Czar had abdicated his throne as a result of the February Revolution in 1917; however he and his family were kept alive for over a year. The intent of the Provisional Government was to send him to England. After the Bolshevik Revolution in October 1917, the Czar came under the control of the Bolsheviks. Since the Bolsheviks were not universally accepted as the new power in Russia, the Russian Civil War broke out. In July 1918, the Bolsheviks realized that the Czar and his family had to be killed in order to stamp out any hope by the other side in the Civil War of restoring the Czar to the throne and reversing the gains from the two revolutions.

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Why did the assassination of czar Nicholas II take Russia out of the war?

Russia was taken out of World War One by Lenin and his agreement with Germany to end Russia's participation in the war. The assassination of Czar Nicholas II and his family had nothing to do with Russia's end as a player in WW 1.

Head of state for Russia?

During World War I, Czar Nicholas II was the head of state for Russia. However, he was overthrown and killed in 1917.

Who was the Russian czar overthrown during the war?

Nicholas II, the last Romanov Tsar (czar).

Soviet Union World War1 Leader?

The leader of Russia during the First World War was Czar Nicholas II. He was killed on July 17, 1918.

Why Russian people wanted the tsar to withdraw from 1 world war?

The czar was spending all Russia's money on the war instead of helping the suffering people and hundreds of Russian soldiers were being killed everyday of the war.

What did Czar Nicholas the II do in World War 1?

Czar Nicholas II was the ruler of Russia at the start of World War I. Some say he welcomed his country's involvement in World War I because he approved of the mobilization of Russia. He was ruler at a point in time in which Russia was a pretty imperialistic nation, and while many of his people were in favor him, he and his family were killed by a Bolshevik group in 1917. You can Wikipedia him to find a pretty detailed bio as far as what battles he was a part of and by looking at the Bolshevik organization as well you'll get more insight on his death and why he was killed. Just thought I'd share a bit more information than the previous answer gave.

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