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Q: What is the top leader of Russian mafia called?
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What are Russian mafia names?

The Russian mobs don't have "families" like the Italians do. In that they are more closely related to gangs. Right now the Russian Mafia organization called the Solntsevskaya Bratva holds the top position right now. Bratva means brotherhood. Solnrsevskaya is the area that they are from. Their "stomping grounds" if you will.

Mafia Wars-Is there a way to see if others have you in their top mafia?

When they go to war have a look at their top mafia.

Why cant you view your top mafia in Mafia Wars?

To view your top mafia you simply:1. go to the mafia wars home page.2. scroll down until you see the words ' top mafia '

What is the top mafia on Mafia Wars?

It is the regular people in your mafia that are very good or your friends that you put in your top mafia to boost all your stats.

Can your Mastermind in top mafia remove himself from your top mafia if he chooses to do so?

no he can't but he will be removed if he removed you from his mafia.

The top official of each of the two major parties is called the?

The top official for each of the two major parties are called majority leader and minority leader. Which ever party has the most members in the house calls their top official the majority leader and the other party leader is then called the minority leader.

How do you delete people from your top mafia in Mafia Wars?

by promoting another person in your mafia to the position of the person in your top mafia that you want out. this won't delete the person from your mafia, it will just replace the person.

Whose Top Mafia are you on?

you will not know on who's family you are on the top mafia unless they tell you.

How do you hide your mafia in Mafia Wars on Facebook?

You can hide it by not making a top mafia or it may notappear because there is always a problem with top mafia even showing up.

What top mafia positions can a fearless character do on Mafia Wars?

Master Boss is the Top position you can get.

Top Mafia Mastermind in FB Mafia Wars?


Can you change top Mafia Wars?

A person can change their top Mafia Wars members by clicking on the Top Mafia portion of the game. Changing members involves demoting and re-promoting friends.