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In November 1918, the "government" in the sense of the name of the country became the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. In 1922, after joining with Ukraine, Belorussia and the Transcaucasus Federation, it became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union.

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Q: What did the government call itself after the Bolshevik Revolution?
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Most people call it the Russian Revolution-- maybe there is a less obvious name for it. The February Revolution of 1917 is the one which forced the Czar to abdicate. It is also sometimes called the Patriotic Revolution. The October, or Bolshevik Revolution, is the one which overthrew the Provisional Government which replaced the Tsar upon his abdication.

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In the US there is no legal means by which the Bill of Rights can be suspended. So I call it.........REVOLUTION!

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Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Stalin among many others, for the Bolsheviks which was the October revolution, or November depending on which Russian calendar is used. Alexander Kerensky, among others, for the Provisional Government. Tsar Nicholas II was not part of this revolution at all since he had been put out of power eight months earlier in the first part of the Russian Revolution, the February Revolution.

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