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Q: What did Lenin do to those who opposed him?
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Who opposed the czar?

Lenin and the Bolsheviks

Why did lenin's policy of the dictatorship of the proletariat turned many against him?

People who opposed Lenin ideas were often oppressed.

When did Vladimir Lenin form the secret police?

he created the police force to kill those who opposed him.

Who was opposed by Leon Trotsky?

Joseph Stalin opposed Trotsky in their struggle for power after Vladimir Lenin died in 1924.

What is the history of the White Russians?

they opposed i think it was Stalin or lenin. either way they opposed a Russian leader and hated communism.

How did Lenin ideas about communism differ from those about marx?


How did Lenin did respond to those who disagreed with him?

he put them in labor camps

In order to secure power following Vladimir Lenin's death Joseph Stalin instituted policies designed to?

eliminate individuals who opposed his rule.

What caused Vladimir Lenin to propose in 1907 that small scale peasantry landholdings be nationalized?

It appears that Lenin changed his mind about the nationalization of small peasant farms in 1907 from his first writings on the subject in 1903. At that time Lenin proposed that local democratic bodies would be in charge of small farms and under that system, peasants could vote on any concerns. In 1907, however, Lenin changed his mind. He was opposed to small scale peasant farm development in that large scale collectives would be more efficient. It has been speculated that Lenin's change of mind was also based on the belief that such groups of landowners might form a landed class opposed to socialism.

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Did Lenin support Joseph Stalin as his successor?

No, Lenin actually opposed Stalin as his successor even to the extent of writing several notes (later to become known as Lenin's Testament" to the Central Committee of the Communist Party advising that a way be found to replace Stalin with someone who had "...greater tolerance, greater loyalty, greater courtesy, and consideration to comrades, less capriciousness, etc." Lenin's personal choice was Leon Trotsky.

In order to secure power following Vladimir Lenin and acutes death Joseph Stalin instituted policies designed to?

eliminate individuals who opposed his rule.